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About Diana Muenz Chen
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Title:  Channel, Channeling Teacher, Hands-on Healer, Core Energetics Therapist, Interfaith Minister and Somatic Experiencing Practitioner

One of Diana’s first loves has been connecting to the spirit world and making friends with her spirit guides. As she began studying channeling in 1985, her spirit guides became an increasingly rich source of inspiration and unconditional love for herself, family, friends and clients. She was guided to begin to channel professionally in 1986.
Diana wanted to share what she knew with others, and so the Open Heart School was created in 1994. This school offers opportunities for students to have wonderful experiences with their higher selves, souls and spirit guides through Introductory Channeling Workshops, private and semi-private channeling lessons, and ongoing channeling classes. Michael the Archangel is presently the spirit teacher for these classes. A free channeling class is available for people who have never studied at the Open Heart School and want to get a feel for how the classes are taught. It is a pleasure for Diana to watch people make connections with the spirit realm. 
Diana is passionate about learning new techniques that she can employ to assist people to heal. Her credentials include extensive training in energy transmission and perception of energy, plus many years of psychological instruction. She is a graduate of the four year healing science program at the Barbara Brennan School of Healing. For two years Diana was on the teaching staff, where she enhanced her natural teaching skills. 
During her healing training, Diana took classes with Rabbi Gelberman at the New Seminary and was ordained an Interfaith Minister. She has performed numerous weddings, which is always a joyful experience for her. 
Since Core Energetics principles were taught at the Barbara Brennan School of Healing, Diana was naturally drawn to continue those studies in body-centered and spiritually-oriented psychotherapy. She attended and successfully graduated from the four year training at the Core Energetics Instititue East in 2000. 
Most recently, her passion has been drawn to Somatic Experiencing, where she completed her three year training in 2011. Somatic Experiencing is a healing technique that engages the person’s nervous system to release past trauma. After having many Somatic Experiencing sessions herself, she feels significantly different--more peaceful and more open hearted. Diana presently offers this type of healing to clients.
Diana will be signing copies of her book Channeling: The Heart & The Art after her workshop. She is offering her book for a special Expo price today. 
Website: http:// www.dianamuenzchen.com